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Our Herd Sires:

Our Fullblood Savanna Bucks

We strive for healthy goats with good conformation and a desirable pedigree.
DVM MF68- from Drew & Judy Hutchison
DVM MF21- from Drew & Judy Hutchison
WCF Lockwook #2054- from Wood Creek Farm Savannas
WCF Woodstock #2047- from Wood Creek Farm Savannas
BF Valiant- from Beckstead Farms
GS Chisum- from the England Family Ranch
GS Teton- from the England Family Ranch
DS Gunslingers Last Stand 497- Home raised Diamond Savanna Ranch
OAK 230 Brady 9from Three Oaks Goats
DS 679- from Diamond Savanna Ranch
                                                                            Scroll down for more information


MF68's sire is SS Zues's Nemo and he is out of GCS Delilah. His dam is from Beckstead Farms, BF F89A who goes back to Kari Rose 688 and WW EO5 twice. MF68 is a single born at 9.8 lbs. on 5/5/22 and weaned five months later at 89.6 lbs.


MF21 is a twin by SS Zues's Nemo who goes back to JCS 55 Zues and JCS 35. He is out of GS Heather who is a SH Spitfire daughter. MF21 was born on 4/12/22 at 10.9 lbs. and weaned six months later at 94 pounds!

WCF Lockwood #2054

This boy is HUGE at 6 months old! He is a SH Krono's Wrath son out of MRTN Jose's Bella. He has Amoreart's Z-Kronos Lil 12 and SH Ireland (WWE05 (JCS) and Brom Bones) on the top side and from Bella came Simpson's Hilltop Jose Quervo and SH Angelica (NJW White 120 Damascus x GCS Penny). He is VERY Impressive!

photo 8/6/23

photo 8/6/23

6 months old

6 months old

Photo 1/28/22

Kronos wrath 1 and a half years old

Kronos wrath 1 and a half years old

Sire to 2054

WCF Woodstock #2047

This boy is going to be a tanker. We want to see how he finish's growing. He is by SH Krono's Wrath and out of MRTN Barricade's White Willow. He has Amoreart's Z-Kronos Lil 12 and SH Ireland (WWE05 (JCS) and Brom Bones) on the top side and from Willow he goes back to Y8 and GCS Penny through SH Barricade and Brom Bones and Iron Man from GCS Glory. We are excited to see how he keeps growing!

photo 8/6/23

Photo 7/4/22

6 months old

6 months old

photo 1/28/22

BF Valiant H76B

BF Valiant added something new to our herd! He is DNA parent verified and born in February 21, 2018. His sire is GCS Trey who goes back to Iron Man (Goliath) and Dollar! Valiant's dam, 4C R76 goes back to WW EO1 and NJW 501 and NJW White 13. We are excited to see what his kids look like next spring! (PS his ears were frost bit as a kid.)
BF Valiant

BF Valiant

July 2021

Valiant and Woodrow '21

GS Chisum

This 2021 buckling came from England Ranch again (like Woodrow). Goerge and Suzanne have done an outstanding job with him. Born 4/28/21 Chisum is a twin with a birth weight of 9.4 and wean weight of 68.2. This boy is going to be big and thick! His sire is SH Spitfire by Big Jim (GCS C178 Jim) and out of GCS Macy (an Iron Man daughter). His dam is GS Bethany who is a daughter of SH JCS 35's Typhoon (JCS 35 x Penny/Dollar) and out of an Iceman daughter. We are putting a few does in with him this December!

photo 8/6/23

photo 8/6/23

photo 8/6/23

photo 8/6/23

Photo 7/4/22

Photo 7/4/22

Photo Jan. 2022

GS Chisum

GS Chisum

Photos from Aug. 2021

GS Teton

This 2022 buckling came from England Ranch. Born 5/5/22 Teton is a triplet with a birth weight of 10.02 and wean weight of 55. This boy is going to be big and long! His sire is SH Broadsword!

Photo 7/20/23

GS Teton

GS Teton

Fullblood 1420 DOB 5/5/22 Sire SH Broadsword Dam GS Annie Triplet

GS Teton

GS Teton

GS Teton

GS Teton

DS Gunslingers Last Stand 497

Born 4/30/2022 this boy will impress. He had excellent gains. His dam is GS Katie FB 408 going back to Iceman (Crane Creek) and MGF 45 BF000437 (HV). His sire is the late SH Y8's Gunslinger (KRI Y8 x SH WW E05's Ireland). We are excited to see what this home raised buck will produce!

Photo 7/20/23

FB 497

FB 497

OAK 230 Brady 9

Brady was born 1/27/2022 at a weight of 10.8 pounds as a twin. He was weaned three months later at 60.6 pounds. His sire is MRTN Barricade's The Whole Nine Yards (Y8 and Iron Man pedigree) and his dam is PT 70 Amashe (PJT Little George and DLR breeding).

photos 8/6/23

DS 679- Fullblood

Dam FB DS Kitty and sire is either Valient, Chisum, or Dozer. We just had to keep this boy after a sale feel through on him. His is the whole package!
DOB 2/13/23    BW 7.9    WW 30    80 day PWW 56   TWIN   Clean 2x2

© 2023 by Diamond Savanna Ranch

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